Party Pictures Book

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Party Pictures Book


The new monograph William Earle Williams: Party Pictures is dedicated to the artist’s acclaimed series of the same name. Williams’ insightful photographs taken in the 1970s and 80s revel in the details of a particular moment and reveal the unspoken but timeless cues of class, race and gender. Williams accessed social gatherings – from highbrow charity galas to counter-culture costume parties – to probe the inner-workings of these complex social worlds. His stunning black and white photographs offer a fascinating record of an era, touching on the history of photography, the history of Philadelphia, and the societal changes of the late 20th century.

Texts include an essay by John Caperton connecting the Party Pictures to Williams’ other bodies of work, and an interview between Williams and Edith Newhall, art critic for The Philadelphia Inquirer and ARTnews.

This book is a hardcover book.

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About the Author

William Earle Williams, (b. 1950) is an American photographer who has been Professor of Fine Arts at Haverford College in Pennsylvania since 1978, and the College’s Curator of Photography since 1979. His work has been exhibited widely and his images of Underground Railroad sites have been the subject of several publications. His work is collected in numerous prestigious collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the National Gallery of Art.

Hardbound: 92 pages, 44 black and white tritone plates

Publisher: The Print Center. Philadelphia, PA. 2020

Language: English

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 inches