Benefit featuring entertainer Bobby Short at the Annenberg Center, University of Pennsylvania

Benefit at the Annenberg Center, University of Pennsylvania event honoring Grace Kelly and the Grace Kelly Foundation, Frank Sinatra at center

Benefit featuring entertainer Bobby Short at the Annenberg Center, University of Pennsylvania

Crystal Ball at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Crystal Ball at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Brooke Shields at center, Nancy Glass in background

Crystal Ball at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Opening of the Philadelphia Flower Show

Henry David Halloween Party

Henri David’s Halloween Party

Henri David’s Halloween Party

International House at the University of Pennsylvania.

New Haven.

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Jamie Weyth exhibition, September 9 to December 4, 1980.

Party at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in honor of Jamie Wyeth exhibition, Andy Warhol at left

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts

Hairdressing competition at the Roseland Ballroom, NY.

Hairdressing competition at the Roseland Ballroom, New York

Benefit featuring entertainer Bobby Short at the Annenberg Center, University of Pennsylvania
Benefit at the Annenberg Center, University of Pennsylvania event honoring Grace Kelly and the Grace Kelly Foundation, Frank Sinatra at center
Benefit featuring entertainer Bobby Short at the Annenberg Center, University of Pennsylvania
Crystal Ball at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Crystal Ball at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Brooke Shields at center, Nancy Glass in background
Crystal Ball at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Opening of the Philadelphia Flower Show
Henry David Halloween Party
Henri David’s Halloween Party
Henri David’s Halloween Party
International House at the University of Pennsylvania.
New Haven.
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Jamie Weyth exhibition, September 9 to December 4, 1980.
Party at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in honor of Jamie Wyeth exhibition, Andy Warhol at left
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
Hairdressing competition at the Roseland Ballroom, NY.
Hairdressing competition at the Roseland Ballroom, New York